Assalamu Allaicum my sweet sister Safiya
Jazzak Allah khair for keeping me and my family in your duas,and Inshallah everything will pass well with your duas and with Allahs help. Please keep my beloved father in your duas and prayers,Ameen summa ameen,
I understand sister how do you feel regarding doing ibaadah in this blessed month. I think sister,that more you think how much ibaadah you will do you do it more less,and even you get sad and stressed because of that. It is better sister to not think about it,and with Allah in heart you will do everything well and do a loot of ibaadah and good deeds. Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s said: " Indeed Allah will not get tired from your good deeds,untill you get tired of doing them"
Inshallah you will be in my duas too sister.
I love you for the sake of Allah.
Have a wondefull raamadan sister!!!
Kisses and hugsss