saima abdullah

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  • isn't the same here anymore. I have an email I will pm you soon iA. I gotta go now tho. see ya soon
    Assalaamu Alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh darling,
    oh I am doing super busy with school. I am a senior now at the University. So, it is a bit hard on me (timing wise). Plus TTI isn't the same anymore so I kinda lost the love and the spark I had before. I hope everything goes well for you and that Allas eases all your troubles. OH my lil Fatima is growing huh? May Allah preserve her and protect her from all evil and may He grant her goodness in this world and the hereafter. InshaAllah ima keep u in my duas darling. stay blessed <3
    aoa kia hal hai? i called at your home to take your cell no but then feared k pta nai ap mujy pechano gi b ya nai. kesi guzar rahi hai zindgi? guriya kesi hai? isb kb ana hai? iA ab mein a skon gi wahan par. aur aur aur boht sari baatain krni hain ap sy.............
    wa'alaykum salaam meri jaan!
    just busy with skool and work. how are you and lil fatima??
    miss u too dear, hope we can be in touch! take care,
    give kisses and hugs to Fatima for me :) tell her---her auntie LOVES her A LOT!! :)
    aaaw shaved hair? what? WHYYYYYY??? NOOO! long hair is the way to go girl! don't shave it :p
    you're right, alhamdulillah----i have never been happier wallah <3 I thank Allah for bestowing his blessings upon me.
    Jazaka'Allah khair for ur duas sweetie
    On a good note, I have gotten a research assistant position for the summer. It is intense and requires 40 hours a week:0 and I will need to Retake a class in the summer as well. And I am taking al-maqrib class for the FIRST time starting tmrw insha'Allah. I realize that there is so much to be thankful for wallah...I cannot dwell on all the bad things, but rejoice on all the good. This is a test for me, one I prayed for (mistakingly).....and insha'Allah all shall be good at the end for I have a loving Rab. He will not let me down I know sister...He will not...right??
    Please keep praying for me, it is really hard to stay strong when the world seems to crushing down on you:(
    Take care of my sweet Fatima....keep smiling :D
    I will do that at my end....strength I will pray for!
    I missed you so muchhhhh!
    assalaamu alaykum sweetheart <3
    how r u doing?? How is Fatima? and the rest of the fam? Insha'Allah khair.
    I finally finished my finals :) alhamdulillah.....I am not very happy with my grades ukhti :( but I have tried and everything that has happened in the past few months have shaped me into someone I never thought I'd be. I am trying to stay strong, to make excuses for my poor school performance. But khair, everything happens for a reason and I hope this is a great reason insha'Allah. :tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:
    فهل يليق بك بعد ذلك أن يجدك الله حيث نهاك ويفقدك حيث أمرك ؟
    فهل يليق أن تكون المساجد خالية منك بينما الملاعب عامرة بك ؟
    فهل يليق أن تترك سماع القران وتعكف على سماع الاغاني ؟
    فهل يليق أن تترك سنة السواك وتستبدل بها السيجارة ؟
    فهل يليق أن تترك مجالس العلم والايمان وتتواجد في مجالس الغيبة والنميمة ؟
    استدرك ما فات وأبدا من الآن
    أنت الآن في مقتبل العمر وفي سن الشباب والصحة والقوة والفراغ ,
    ولا تغتر كثيراً بهذا السن والصحة
    يقول بعضهم دعونا نتمتع بشبابنا قليلاً وسوف نتدارك ذلك أذا تقدم بنا السن
    اعلم أن طول الامل من أعظم الآفات التي وقفت عثرة في سبيل توبة الكثير من الشباب ,
    وإنابتهم الى خالقهم .
    من يضمن لك اخي الشاب انك ستعيش حتى يتقدم بك السن ؟
    قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
    ((لا تزول قدما عبد يوم القيامة حتى يسأل عن خمس :
    عن عمره فيم أفناه ؟ وعن شبابه فيم أبلاه ؟
    وعن ماله من أين أكتسبه وفيم أنفقه ؟ وماذا عمل فيما علم ))
    تؤمل الدنيا قليلاً ولا تدري
    إذا جن ليل هل تعيش إلى الفجر
    فكم من صحيح مات من غير علةً
    وكم من سقيم عاش حيناً من الدهر
    وكم من فتى أمسى وأصبح ضاحكاً
    الإستعداد ليوم الرحيل



    قال تعالى ( وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون )

    والعبادة في الإسلام لا تقتصر على بعض الشعائر التعبدية كالصلاة والصيام والحج فقط ,
    كما يظنها كثير من الناس إنها تشمل حياة المسلم بأسرها ,
    بل إنها تتعدى ما بعد الحياة
    قال تعالى
    ( قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين (162)
    لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا أول المسلمين (163) )
    ( سورة الانعام )
    فصلاتك أخي الشاب اختى الشابه عبادة
    وصيامك عباده
    وصدقتك وعطائك عباده
    وحجك وعمرتك عباده
    وطاعتك لوالديك عباده
    وغض بصرك عباده
    وكف أذاك عباده
    وطلبك للعلم عباده
    وتحصين نفسك بالزواج عباده
    وشرابك وطعامك عباده
    وسعيك على الرزق الحلال عباده
    ونومك يمكن أن يكون عباده
    وهذا ما يتميز به ديننا الإسلامي من غيره من الشرائع
    واذا تبين أخي الشاب اختى الشابه أنك ما خلقت إلا لعبادته
    فهل يليق بك بعد ذلك أن يجدك الله حيث نهاك ويفقدك حيث أمرك ؟
    ahahah..i know man!!! :) I will try...I have so much coming up for these two weeks.....:/ finals are just three weeks away and then I will have to plan for internships, summer jobs and volunteering opportunities. I do not plan on taking summer classes which kinda making me feel a bit anxious??? but I should be fine. Thats just heads up in case you miss my posts and VMS:p
    Salaaam meri jaan <3
    how is going? How is Fatima treating her beautiful Mama? good insha'Allah :)
    I am feeling a lot better anxiety level was really high last time. Anyway I am back to normal (or so I tell myself)! oh and about skyping don't worry. We can Skype each other when your laptop is fixed insha'Allah <3
    Qur'an and Arabic classes?? keeping yourself busy eeh? thats good masha'Allah! I am proud of you!!!! :D:D:D keep up the good work habibti and may Allah make it easy for you!!!

    sorry for the late reply janu.....I am having some sort of relapse right about now? The sadness is creeping back in:( I am trying to stay strong, but I also have loads of school work and whatnot----which why I haven't responded:/
    love you, pls keep making dua....JAK!!!
    ps: I am not in a mood to talk/write more, I have drained energy!!! I will respond to ur vms properly when I feel a bit better ok ukhti. Take care of Fatima and your beautiful self! muahs
    ahaha....this should surprise you :0 sorry if it is too much! :lol: I guess thats what you get for always listening to my "talks." yea, well, umm.....I LOVE YOU for ALLAH'S SAKE Janu <3
    Oh darling, give salaams to my beautiful Fatima and kiss her on the cheeks for me!!!
    if you have Skype or Ichat....we should video chat sometime so I get to see my beautiful niece!!! what say you???
    Oh Subhana'Allah I wrote like good two pages ahaha......I think you now can see how hyper I am! and OMG I have to wake up early tomorrow because my first class is @ 9:45?:O gotta try to catch some sleep iA! Love, hugs and kisses!!!
    I have missed my appointment this week....totally forgot, but I made another appointment for Tuesday. I think my therapist is gonna be proud of how far I have come since my last session. I am actually surprised at how far I came. I am now 100% certain about her comment. She told me "I feed off the energy of others." and that is exactly whats happening now. The more experiences I have with people, the more I become happier and less emotional. You have been a good support for me and I know at least my lil update will make you smile....coz wallah Allah has heard our pleas and accepted them. I feel better because He has answered our prayers! mere tumse pyar karti hoon?? loll I hope I got that right? better get back to my Urdu lesson eh?
    hello there lil Mama :) aap kaisi hai?? :)
    I MISS YOU !!
    Sister, ok I had a lot of coffee today and it is mid-night here and I feel like talking. Yea I am pretty hyper right now. Anyway I thought I'd update you. I started going to halaqas on Tuesdays at my campus. The sisters there are AWESOME! Never felt so good and accepted...alhamdulillah. The speaker or the sister that does the halaqa is mA is nice and understanding. I love how she conducts the halaqa!! I made some new friends here....some Muslims, some non-Muslims. However, a good friend of mine who isn't a Muslim asks so much about Islam....she makes me wonder if she actually wants to join the gang :lol: Allahu Alim. But I make sure that I tell her everything and that I don't push her......I want her to come to her own conclusions about the religion of Islam. She is a wonderful person mA.
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