Recent content by Salah eddine

  1. S

    Assalamu Alaykum

    masha LLAH wa3alykom salam brother welcome to the website we are also proud of you guys muslims in china may ALLAH spread this religion all over the world your brother yaseen :bananabb2in:
  2. S

    citation sur le prophete par des celebrites

    :bismillah: :salam2: notre prophet fut et est tjr repecter par nombre de personalite connu par le monde entier Mahatma GANDHI Apôtre national et religieux de l’Inde. Adepte de la non-violence (1869/1948) « Je voulais mieux connaître la vie de celui qui aujourd’hui détient...
  3. S

    ~ New Member ~ revert in USA...Salam!

    :salam2: welcome sister I hope you'll enjoy your brother Yaseen :bananabb2in:
  4. S

    Muslim comedy

    :salam2: :jazaak: sister to speak about this problem. I spoke with lot of brothers about it, and no one till now have a clear idea about the way and how they'll do. and all those who I know and who are already married they didn't respect many of islams rule to know their wives and husbands...
  5. S


    welcome sister bienvenu jespere que tu vas aimer le site comme nous dailleurs il ya aussi un forum en francais si cela tinteresse Yassine:bananabb2in:
  6. S

    Salaam Alikom

    :salam2: brother I'l gonna tell you welcome to this site and enjoy it I do agree with you that its a wonderull site and we learn a lot on it thank you brothers and sisters who make it better every day by your posting I do like :bananabb2in: too :biggrin: its like a signature for...
  7. S

    Salam alikom

    :salam2: sister welcome again to this web site.and congratulation for getting married soon really congratulation, I hope you will be happy in your life. I'm moroccon too and I can tell you moroccan are good and gentle:biggrin: about hijab and wear it , I think we already spoke about it in...
  8. S

    Une femme Macha'ALLAH

    apprendre le coran :salam2: :ma: jespere que tt muslman arrivera un jour a reciter le coran de la sorte lapprendre par coeur et pouvoir le reciter de facon perfecte pour pouvoir remonter dans al jinane bi idni LLAH merci ma soeur pour tt ske tu mets sur ce forum and ALLAH inchaLLAH yata9abal...
  9. S

    5 things with Same Letter, Beko's game

    :salam2: Iraq Islamabad Ice tea Insect Irish cake wasallam :bananabb2in: next J??
  10. S

    Hijab is not a pre-requisite for Muslim women.

    thank you sisters :salam2: its amazing to see people so motivated for hijab specially sisters, even if it was always shown as a sign of woman oppression i just want add a thing is that the hijab isn't a goal its just a step to involve and obey to ALLAH :ma: wa sallam your brother...
  11. S

    Video Download

    I cannot download :frown: :salam2: thank you brothers for these but in fact I don't know how to do to download, I didn't suceed in downloading maybe I need more posts to have the right to download PS I was logged when I tried and thank you wa ssalam your brother Yaseen :bananabb2in:
  12. S

    Introduction of Kristina

    :salam2: welcome sister to this website and enjoy it thank you for sharing with us your story wa sallam your brother Yaseen:bananabb2in:
  13. S


    bienvenu :salam2: bienvenu mon frere j'espere que tu vas apprendre plein de chose dans ce site comme moi d'ailleurs yassine :bananabb2in:
  14. S

    Quelques Hadiths

    :jazaak: :salam2: merci bcp ma soeur pour tt ces hadiths :ma: tres jolie selection yassine:bananabb2in:
  15. S

    Assalamu 3aleykom Wr Wbr

    welcome :allahuakbar: :salam2: welcome sister I hope u'll enjoy this web site as I do and I think as all of us do I live in US to but just for summer anyway welcome again and :allahuakbar: your brother yaseen :bananabb2in: