Recent content by sheerheart1

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    Pefumes & Colognes

    :shymuslima1: not all women are attracted by cologne - the only persons cologne i love is my hubbies ,:hijabi: but what about perfums in deodrant i mean sisters cant go around stinking best to use a light fragarance what do u think personallyi wear a light musk :shymuslima1: :hearts: not to...
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    Pefumes & Colognes

    today can u say its true that its not fitna for a man too use perfume ?????????? with todays society and haraam things going on a man can attract a woman by his cologne ..........some even wear this to attract attention from women so they smell good????????????
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    ISRAEL is the biggest terrorist organization in the world

    Am sorry i deleted the rest :shymuslima1: Seems to me they are trying to destroy islam and muslims all over the world , we get catorgarized as terrorists ................ when another country invades another who is the aggresor ???????????? They don't like us they just like to say...
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    What Christians Don’t Know About Israel

    salaam This a most wonderful post i really enjoyed reading it, May Allah reward u for such a post we need more like it ameen
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    salaam and hello

    :SMILY139: :salam2: .wr wb all my names maryam i am from the uk i am a revert muslimah of 16 years ice 2 met u all may ALLAH sw.t guide u all always ameen :muslim_child:
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    125 Avatars

    masha'allah so beautiful