Recent content by Suhendri

  1. Suhendri


    thank you all, glad to know you here..... :)
  2. Suhendri

    My Introduction/Convert Story

    wa'alaikumsalam welcome, may Allah always give you strength
  3. Suhendri


    Assalamu'alaikum brothers and sisters... I want to introduce myself my name Hendri and I am from Indonesia, my english is bad, I hope you understand what I'm talking about and want to help me and teach me about islam.... I am moeslim but not a good moeslim . . . Wassalamu'alaikum.....
  4. Suhendri

    How do you stay away from desires/desiring ???

    good question, I have same problem it very difficult for me . . . and until now, I still can not keep away from desire . . .