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  • Barakllahu lak, I have little knowledge on what to do, but if a persevere I can make it Insha Allah. The big problem is its due this Monday 0_0.

    As for that program, for summer I have long holiday because of GCSE. I`ll be in Egypt studying Arabic and some Quran from the 26th June to around August 7th or 8th. I`ll be back before Ramadhan Inshaa -Allah.My older brother studies there. Therefore, I cant attend.

    I`m frustrated with Statistic coursework. Its so freaking long. How about you? Umdatul Fiqh, the great Hanbali fiqh book,or so I hear. :)
    Assalamu alykum, I want to ask you something.

    In the Hanbali Mathhab is saying Subhana Rabbial adheem and Subhana Rabbial A`alaa obligatory?
    Alhamdulillaah, we're good. Uthman's got headlice (he slept in a bed cats had been) lol. Well, if I see you today we'll discuss inshaa' Allaah...
    As-salaamu `alaykum

    I hope you're well akhi. I wanted to ask you a some questions. You do stats right? What year you in now, and do you use LaTeX for write-ups?
    Baarak Allaahu feek. There's always too much work and too little time. Will see you around inshaa' Allaah.

    Hahaha! That's too funny. I've met you twice today then, one in person, one here. It's weird, I never noticed you before akhi, nor did I pay much attention on the forums either (I knew you were from round here somewhere). Alhamdulilaah, nice to meet you marratun thaaniyatun!
    Wa 'Alaykum As Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh Akhi,

    Thats very good point, I don't know. I will open the thread can you post it there inshaAllah...

    Was Salaam
    Loool if you say that too much you will fall foul with the Hanafi brothers :)

    Ah i see thats good brother. I saw that book in the shop, good stuff.
    Bro, im no Arabic speaker Ya`ni. But does it mean may ALlah accpet you and me.

    Chicken cottage is good expecially near Stoke newington.

    Lool You know you sadi you went leyton sixth form. My friend told me to apply there. He said there was Islamic society there too, which you already said.
    Ah i asked my friend about Meds and he said it was "Baaaad" restuarant in Mile End. Its allegedly Moroccan.

    EId mubarak
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