Recent content by trying2learn

  1. T

    please delete my account

    it can also be said that a little knowledge in the wrong hands can be dangerous. no thank you. i still want my account to be deleted.
  2. T

    please delete my account

    Assalamu alaikum, While I am grateful for the help that some of the members here have offered me, and I am grateful for the friends I have made, I must kindly ask for whoever is in charge to delete my account. I must admit it is the behavior of some of my brothers and sisters that is most...
  3. T

    salam everyone :)

    That is the first time it has ever worked for me in a year, thank you so much sister!
  4. T

    salam everyone :)

    I have been trying to join the sisters section for some time but I click on it and all I get is you do not have access to this....I have never seen anything that allows you to request to join...
  5. T

    Grandparents that died, were not Muslim...

    neither of my grandparents knew anything about Islam or the prophet Muhammed (pbuh). No one ever conveyed anything to either of them, for one I was not muslim yet when my grandma died, and I lived over 500 miles from my grandfather and never had the opportunity to tell him.
  6. T

    Grandparents that died, were not Muslim...

    I'm sorry for the confusion of the way I worded my response. I meant that they NEVER heard the message of Islam. They died before knowing Islam.
  7. T

    Grandparents that died, were not Muslim...

    I thought it was different for someone that died never heard the message of Islam than someone who passes who heard the message of Islam and chose not to revert.
  8. T

    Grandparents that died, were not Muslim...

    Assalamualikum, I have a question. My grandparents are both dead. My Grandma died from cancer in 2003 and I just lost my Grandfather on August 30th to COPD, among other complications. Neither my Grandma or Grandpa were Muslim, they were both Christian. My question is can I make dua for...
  9. T

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to TTI inshallah you will find everything you are looking for, Islam is a beautiful religion. I am a revert, I was raised christian but found myself drawn to Islam. I am so glad I reverted, I now have a sense of peace in my heart that was absent for my entire life (almost 27 years).
  10. T

    Question about praying

    Assalumalikum, Since I do not have access to the sisters only forum I apologize for posting this but I have a question. Is it 40 days that I must wait since I gave birth before I can pray, or is it when you are done healing? I am not sure of the rules when it comes to this, I would...
  11. T

    Baby Aadam

    Rasha is doing well alhumdulilah, no issues with her kidney...Sami is doing well also here is a picture of them I took before we headed to the Masjid on Eid.
  12. T

    Baby Aadam

    We chose the name Aadam because Aadam (pbuh) was the first prophet of Allah (swt)...thank you all again.
  13. T

    some words

    as I was raised Christian the comment about denying is in the bible and it is Jesus speaking and he said "Deny me to others and I shall deny you to my father". I have never heard the comment made islamically.
  14. T

    Baby Aadam

    Assamualikum, Baby Aadam is doing well, the doctor said he is lactose intolerant and switched him to soy formula alhamdulilah it's working well for him and the pain in his stomach has seemed to stop. Thank you all for the dua's for my son. I wanted to offer you all the chance to see him if...
  15. T

    New Muslim born!

    Thank you all, his full name is Aadam Paul Jihad *lastname of his father*, he's a sweet baby I am thankful and grateful for the gift of Aadam and my older two children, Allah (swt) is most gracious, again thank you all. Inshallah Aadam will grow to be a good muslim (as well as his older brother...