Recent content by um_ahmad

  1. U

    Trying to get my family to go to a Mosque!

    mashallah this sounds like a great event. Would love to attend one myslef, inshallah your family goes :)
  2. U

    What is ur goal this ramadan?

    Wow mashallah write :). This is the first year i want to try to read it inshallah.
  3. U

    Norway mourns island youth camp and Oslo attacks

    i agree brother its very sad. But alhamdulilah they didnt involve islam.
  4. U

    10-year-old girl saves herself from rapist by reciting Qur’an

    Subhanallah such an amazing story thank you for sharing. Alhamdulilah shes ok.
  5. U


    Asalamu Alaykum. how is everyone? Inshalla bkhair. I am a born and raised muslim, but sadly I have not been practicing my deen. Im trying to stay on track and become a good muslim and gain knowledge so I can teach my kids. And I would love to meet new people. And inshalla khair.