Recent content by worriedsister

  1. W


    Anyone who has lived there can they tell me what it is like for brown skin people specifially
  2. W


    I live in a kufar country they are not nice to me because I wear niqab sometimes right now I have to remove my niqab if i walk into a bank or closed place because i cannot take the stares remarks they say i should be killed etc and they even spat on a fellow hijabi. My husband has good job...
  3. W

    The "F" Word during ramadan

    we have tried talking and everything and i am beginning to think we are not right for each other....very very worried if anyone want to give me advice my email add is *removed*
  4. W

    The "F" Word during ramadan

    salams to all i am married 21 with two kids, my husband and I are always upset with eACH other a lot of the time, is this is what marriage is about stress stress and more stress, last night he used the "f" word and i wear niqab, it is degrading to me to heAR someone say.i am a revert also. he...