Assalaamu alaykum my lovely sis 
Ohh mashaAllah graphic design that’s greaaat!! Im bad at all that lolll so I just study sciences lol. InshaAllah next year I might be studying biopharmaceutical (is this how u say it?lol) or biochemistry. Allahu a'lam I have to do istikhaarah and inshaAllah I will see!!
Aww u have a big family that’s superrrr cool mashaAllah!
No I don’t really live near my family. Im actually here in montreal and my mum comes to say with me a few weeks and then goes to oman where my dad and 16-years-old sis are. I absoluuuuuuutely love oman but unfortunately
I can't live there
I miss it soooooo much though I lived there 1 year its unforgettable loll im mad for oman it’s a nice Islamic country actually ! mashaAllah
Ohh mashaAllah graphic design that’s greaaat!! Im bad at all that lolll so I just study sciences lol. InshaAllah next year I might be studying biopharmaceutical (is this how u say it?lol) or biochemistry. Allahu a'lam I have to do istikhaarah and inshaAllah I will see!!
Aww u have a big family that’s superrrr cool mashaAllah!
No I don’t really live near my family. Im actually here in montreal and my mum comes to say with me a few weeks and then goes to oman where my dad and 16-years-old sis are. I absoluuuuuuutely love oman but unfortunately