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  • assalaamu alaikum:D

    we didnt see each otha on that broke:(
    i am now usin my bros laptop:D
    inshaAllah we'll soon talk on msn:D
    luv u macaanto!
    oohh so u have finals after you're done with the break......WAT!

    thats some messed up school (sooowwi, no offence) but I am pretty shoo u wont enjoy break if ya knw finals are on the corner!!:D:D:D:D
    inshaAllah,I hope so results are coming up today:D:D:D:D
    so inshaAllah,we'll seee:D:D:D:D
    aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww me missheeed u more!:D
    come online tonite:D:D:D:D:D
    luv ya always:D
    wa Alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh abaaayo:D:D:D:D

    alhamdulillah I am fine:D
    thanks for askin:D
    hw is u??
    I knww.......I finally finished my finals!yeeeeeeepiiess:D:D:D:D
    No sister I really meant it. From the bottom of my heart :)
    I was just a bit upset that i didnt have anyone too close to me to talk to when u were away :(
    I really missed u, like I really mean it, usually wen i say i miss u , i dont mean it but now i really did :D lool im KIDDING :p I always mean it :D:D:D:D i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    Okk tcccccccc mWAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! LOL
    Im glad everything is cool :D

    Aww mann you gotta goo?? :( Okk InshaAllah I will try to comr online, inshaAllah
    I love you sister :) These days when u were away, i realised that having you as a friend is a veryy great blessing. you know its said that u dont see the blessings until they are taken away from you. so now I realised how big of a blessing u are to me :) I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    Im good Alhumdulillah!! Ohh my! I missed you soo much!! how is everything??? hows school and EVERYTHING?? :D lol

    where have u been all this time?? ohh btw...i just started homeschooling...its boring :(


    Assalamu alaikum

    Sister I hope you are doing very well.

    I kinda miss you alot :( Missed talking to u and listening to your beautiful words. Come online on msn when you can, I wanna tell you something :(

    wasalam :(
    AsAlam alaykum sis thank you so much for that I though it was muaad ibnu Jabal I guess I was wrong thankx again dear sis
    waalaykum salam sweetie u welcome
    and my name is nashwa \

    am sorry to ask u a question jst like that but i have to coz i need answer now plzzz if u knw it

    u knw how the scho;ars or the sahaabas of the prophrt Mohamed (saw) every time that they were telling him something they used to say "bi Abii Anta Wa Ummii Ya Rasula Allah"

    the prophet Mohamed SAW never said to any one else except one sahaabi who is that? sahabi or do u knw that sahaabi?

    thank i hope u knw

    i asked the other one our sister in tti she told me she dont knw i searched it i couldn't find it how sad
    Aww, Im happy you are doing well. I was scared :( you havent been online for sometime so yea :(

    but im so hapy now that u are good :D MashaAllah, Alhumdulillah :)

    Im okk I guess...just a lil bored lol....and i cry wen im bored :p so yea :p lool im so weird.

    Reply fast again :p lool

    love you for the sake of Allah



    I can't believe live in Qaxooti magaalo too....caadi matihid, you just made my day mann:):):) and hs aa wili ku jirtaa...this is soo exciting wallahi. i thought i was the only one oo wili dhameeynin:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: nice to kno i'm not alone!!! insha'allah we'll be over with it soon- can't wait though:cool::cool:

    habeen wanagsan to you too huuno
    i have dishes from casho to wash
    we'll talk soon insha'allah- take care
    Walaykumu salam

    my loooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hearts: im good, how about you?? i missed you SOOO much!!!

    everything is good alhumdulillah, i just missed u alot...replyy fast okk :(

    "A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah."

    –Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah

    ...............NiCe nd TrUe :D
    As-salamu Alaikum qaali

    ye, i kno wat you mean...ani xatta xalwo saan u cunaaye waan ka dhergey- i'll never get tired of
    soo, waad ii xiiste yaa, i wasn't actually busy- computerka waalan went off and then waan iska seexday :SMILY153:lol
    I'm in my last year of hs and i can't wait to be done with it:SMILY288:
    how about you?? maxaa dhigattaa??
    i just remembered you lived in the U.S... it's really not boring but i still have to say:: :SMILY206: to magaalada baadiyada:D:D:D so do you live in MN- the land of -laakin tht would be funny becouse anaa dagan!!

    gotta run huuno- take care:SMILY139:
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