Recent content by ZeeA

  1. Z

    need to clarify about music

    Jazaakuma Allaahu khayran I'm now deleting all the music files in my PC and mp3 player to replace them with Qu'ran!
  2. Z

    Ever heard about Harun Yahya?

    :salam2: Did some of you heard about Adnan Oktar aka Harun Yahya? My brother keeps on watching his videos. But I did some research about him, and I found out that he's criticized by some and loved by others. What do you think? And for those who saw at least one of his video, can you...
  3. Z

    need to clarify about music

    :salam2: I know music is haram. I did some research about it, I found so many different opinions, I'm lost! Some say it strictly haram, other say that some instrument are allowed, other say it allowed as long as it's not related to haram subject. Would some of you clarify this please...
  4. Z

    Need Clarity please

    As far as I know, carnivore animals (which hunt with their teeth) are considered Haram. See this link http://qa.*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!/issue_view.asp?HD=1&ID=3893&CATE=107 Everything about food is explained
  5. Z

    Is it possible to pray on something else than a prayer carpet?

    :salam2: Everytime I visit my family in Algeria, I sometimes see them do their prayer :salah: on clean clothes like gandoura/Jellaba/Qamis... because there is too much people and not enough prayer carpet. You know what I mean? And I'm wondering if it is OK. I'm sorry if my question might...
  6. Z

    Adopting a Child in Islam

    I know but I needed some explanation to be sure, you know. But you gave it to me, now I get it. :) Okay, I didn't think about that, silly me! That's what I was thinking too, it's weird for the kid to not having a name, people will understand that he has "no father" known, he might feel...
  7. Z

    Adopting a Child in Islam

    :salam2: I did some research about adopting rules in Islam, but few of my questions remain unanswered. I won't talk here about adopting a child from your neighborhood because his parents can't afford making a living. This practice is widespread in my native country (Algeria), and I think...
  8. Z

    Can I name my son Aaron?

    Salam alaykum, Your question seems legit. Well actually I don't know, I just prefer the way Aaron sounds, but it doesn't mean I would name my child Jonah because in this case I prefer Yunus. It's a matter of taste. Plus, I live in a non-Arabic country and my brother's name is...
  9. Z

    Can I name my son Aaron?

    Salam alaykum, Well...I'm wondering if one can name his child with a name like Aaron instead of Haroun, Anne instead of Hanna, Elijah instead of Ilias, Jonah instead of Yunus. All these name are in the Bible and the Qu'ran. But I'm afraid that these name may sound Jewish and people can be...
  10. Z

    12 Ways to Maximise everyday of Ramadan

    Salam alaykum Thanks a lot for this post, I learnt so much :ma: