Amina 1
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  • Assalamu Allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    Jazzak Allah khair dear sister for your friendship request:)

    I love you for the sake of Allah:SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:

    May Allah bless you. Ameen

    Wa allaicumu sallam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
    Eid Mubarak to you too Dearest Sister Amina. :) I am sorry for the late reply, but my TTI account hasnt been working for a while now. And still isnt/doesnt... occasionally when I am lucky, it works. :)

    May Allah accept all your duas, prayers, qiyaam, rukooh, sujood, tilawah and every tear you may have shed. I pray all your Ibadah gets accepted from you and you are granted nothing less than Jannah-tul-Firdaus InshaAllah. I pray, also that we are among those whom Allah invites to His Grand and Holy House, among this years Haji's. I pray that these duas get accepted.

    Eid Mubarak

    Asslam'u Alykum sister,
    Hope you having good time, Insha'Allah. Don't feel Alone on this awesome occasion, Insha'Allah.

    May Allah accept your fasts. Ameen.
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