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    oh am sorry to hear that. Be patient and May Allah have his mercy on her and heal her. Isha Allah i will pray for her in my prayer.
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    May Allah give you more blessing. Welcome to islam, being a muslim is one of the best gift that Allah has given us. I am so happy for you sister and very proud of you for searching, that has brought you to the light. Masha Allah
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    Evidence: Israeli Army ENCOURAGES soldiers to kill mothers with babies!

    These is something thats not only emotional but shocking how anyone can take such an action towards babies. May Allah protects and ease the pain of all those people that are going through this hard time, and isha Allah they will enter paradise. Allah sees everything and knows everything. These...
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    Need your prayers....

    may Allah ease you pain brother. Isha Allah i will remember you in my prayer and you to perform your salat and at the end make a dua for yourself. Isha Allah you will soon be okay
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    Suffocation and depression..pls help everyone

    salam sister i know
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    looking for "Ya Mowlay" nasheed

    try going to and type in nasheed mawlay. Hope you find it.
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    Suffocation and depression..pls help everyone

    salam sis I know what your going through i felt that way once before. Every time i prayed i felt like it wont be accpeted by Allah. Like i was praying for no reason, as if i was just faking it. Sometimes i actually thought maybe i should just stop praying there is no reason to pray. I was scared...
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    Suffocation and depression..pls help everyone

    salam sister, i understand how your feeling. I once use to feel that my prayer was not accepted, like i was praying for nothing. I felt like i was faking it or something hard to explain. I was scared asking myself what was happening to me. But i knew it was the shytan playing with my mind, i...
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    what to do when facing problem

    :salah: Whenever the prophet (s.a.w.) happened to face any difficulty, he would at once resort to salat. Salat is great blessing of Allah. To resort to salat at the time of worry is to hasten towards his mercy, and when Allah's mercy comes to rescue, there can remain no trace of any worry...
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    HELP ME...depression....i have completely given up...

    salam brother i understand what your going through. Killing yourself you will think that will end all your problems, thats what the shytan is saying to you so please dont think that way, you will let him win. Just sit down with your parents and tell them the truth. I know it seems hard but you...