Facebook is just like a knife. You can use it for Halal, cut an apple or you can use it for haram, hurt someone intentionally. It's not whether something like this is Halal or Haram, but rather is it used for haram or Halal.
thts that.
asalamu alaikum.
I hope I get an answer soon, but since i already know it's going to happen (the eclipse) and I DON'T see it directly....can I pray the khusuf prayer without me seeing it?
please answer ASAP. it's 10.17 pm EST and the eclipse happens at 1.15AM EST here!
It's odd you find this funny considering it isn't at all. I mean it's not nice to think someone losing their job just because they wanted to accomplish an act of worship. I see that you're glad, but thinking it's funny is just ODD
Asalamu alaikum.
Subhanallah, this is so true. This whole situation does make my blood boil, but you know what, all they want is for us to be like them and cause trouble. Allah swt says
“…[They] will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah’s guidance, that...
asalamu alikum.
i need this translated from Arabic to English inshallah. if you can help, please may Allah bless you. i know Arabic a little bit, but not to the level of translating.
سأل رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) أبا بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه قائلا: يا أبا بكر ماذا تحب في الدنيا؟ قال أبو...
The truth can be proven by the way Islam is becoming the fastest
growing religion world wide. Any other docterines are only fading and crumbling,
but not with Islam...why....because it's the Law of Allah and when Allah plans, no one plans better.