Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
This isn't the right approach brother, I am sorry you have feelings for her, but its not the islamic way to get married. You should speak to the wali of a girl and avoid haram so you can marry rather than be in a long haram relationship.
"- 1b...
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah,
There is no reason for it to be haram or wrong. It's just science, and personally I am fascinated by it.Many of the historical astronomers were Muslims and a lot of stars have Arabic names and are named by Muslim astronomers.
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa baraaktuh,
Send me your home IP in my inbox. I will check if it is on any list. Of course we have no issue with you brother, but we do ban IPs from trolls/spammers and sometimes they can exclude other users.
wa alaykum salam,
He is 5, i hope its not too much pressure on such a small kid. What sort of speech, I guess he can just talk about his love for his family and that he hopes to grow into a good kid. )