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    Detestar la Poligamia

    Es muy interesante el punto que planteas, y entiendo completamente tu curiosidad por comprender mejor estos temas. Efectivamente, al nacer suele haber una ligera mayoría de varones, pero como mencionas, la mayor tasa de mortalidad masculina tiende a equilibrar los números en la adultez. Esto es...
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    El Salat

    Qué hermosa descripción del Salat, refleja perfectamente la profundidad espiritual y la conexión que representa para los musulmanes. Es increíble cómo un acto tan simbólico puede ayudar a fortalecer la autenticidad y la entrega al Creador.
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    Quisiera conocer el islam...

    Qué interesante todo lo que has compartido sobre el proceso para convertirse al Islam, es una explicación muy detallada y clara para quienes desean conocer más sobre esta fe. Creo que, al igual que en cualquier camino importante, como entrar a una nueva religión o incluso iniciar una relación...
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    Una buena mujer musulmana

    ¡Saludos de paz! Estoy de acuerdo con el consejo que te han dado: todo debe hacerse gradualmente y con mucha reflexión. Es importante tomarte el tiempo necesario para fortalecer tu fe y prepararte para las posibles preguntas o inquietudes de tu familia.
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    voyage du Hajj

    Effectivement, le pèlerinage (Hajj) est une étape spirituelle incontournable pour les musulmans qui en ont les moyens, mais c’est aussi un voyage introspectif enrichissant. Comme dans toute quête importante, comprendre ses motivations et ses attentes est essentiel. Cette réflexion personnelle...
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    Une fille qui vit dans une société corrompue et craint la déviation

    Votre question est très importante, et il est admirable que vous réfléchissiez à votre foi et à votre place dans une société parfois difficile à comprendre. Votre situation montre une volonté sincère de rester fidèle à vos valeurs malgré les défis. Dans ce type de contexte, il est essentiel de...
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    What is a Proxy Server and How Does it Work?

    The actual nuts and bolts of how the internet works is not something a people often stop to consider. The problem with that is the inherent danger of data security breaches and identity theft that come along with the cute dog pictures, 24 hour news updates, and great deals online. But what...
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    Efectos positivos

    De todas formas, también se han descrito ciertos efectos positivos del empleo correcto de los videojuegos. El intercambio de los juegos puede favorecer el contacto social y la participación en actividades comunes. En este sentido, es otra forma de mantener o propiciar el contacto entre amigos al...
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    Driving test on Monday

    Wa alaikum assalam! I hope your Eid went well, and I understand how nerve-wracking it can be to prepare for the driver's license test. If not, there is an option with there you can get a driver's license without tests. I am here to give you some words of...
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    driver's license

    Salaam! This is great news and I am sure you will do well in your driver's license test, inshaAllah. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope everything goes smoothly for you. I would still like to believe that I will be able to acquire my driver's license...
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    Hertz suspends 34 Muslim drivers for praying on the job

    Apparently the problem arose from a lack of clear communication and consistency between the company and the union. Although the drivers were allowed two 10-minute breaks, there was apparently an understanding, though not specified in the contract, that they would not have to go out to pray...
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    Generell gilt, dass alle Lebensmittel, die die Blutgefäße erweitern und so den Blutfluss verbessern, auch die Potenz steigern. Denn um eine Erektion zu bekommen, ist eine gute Durchblutung Voraussetzung. Nicht ohne Grund wird auf Tabakpackungen vor Impotenz gewarnt, denn Rauchen wirkt sich...
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    Hi there. Thanks for that article. But where can I find how much does archicad cost? Pricing is an important factor in selecting the best CAD solution and the reality is that the pricing systems for CAD software can often become complex. The pricing structure for ArchiCAD is a case in point...
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    Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers

    There is a lot of demand for software developers in just about every industry today, and there are a lot of different branches of programming—meaning there are a lot of different directions you can take your career. What about renewable software development In...
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    What is a skeleton outline for an essay?

    Hi there. I want to explain more about what skeleton outline is. A skeleton outline is a high-level breakdown of your content. In other words, it's the "bare bones" framework you'll use as a guide to later write the "meat" of your work. It helps you ti write, it s like a plan but more useful...
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    What Does a Software Developer Do?

    Software developers are the creative minds behind software programs, and they have the technical skills to build those programs or to oversee their creation by a team. They create software that enables users to perform specific tasks on computer devices. Those tasks might involve playing a...
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    Online Oyunlar Nelerdir?

    Bilgisayar veya cep telefonu vb. aletler ile bir ya da birden fazla bireyin, internet üzerinden bilgisayar oyunu oynanması paylaşımına çevirim içi veya onlineoyun denir. Online oyun sitelerine internet üzerinden kolaylıkla ulaşılabilmektedir. Günümüz dünyasında internet, cep telefonlarından...
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    Hacer y recibir llamadas telefónicas desde tu PC

    Deja tu dispositivo Android en el bolsillo la próxima vez que suene; puedes aceptar la llamada desde tu PC. Las llamadas requieren la funcionalidad Bluetooth tanto en tu PC como en su dispositivo Android, de modo que asegúrate de que esté activada en ambos. Para realizar una llamada en tu PC...
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    The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay | Steps & Examples

    An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis and interpretation. There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements...