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  1. R

    Does Islam Permit Muslim Men to Rape Their Slave Girls?

    There are no slaves in the West. And if you know of any you should immediately report the matter to the police. I really struggle to believe you think it OK to keep slaves. This is the 21st century.
  2. R

    Does Islam Permit Muslim Men to Rape Their Slave Girls?

    That's what I thought - for Islam slavery is valid. Which I why I won't become a Muslim and will advocate that Islamic law never get's a foothold in my country - Islamic law is barbaric.
  3. R

    Israeli travel ban turns Palestinians' dreams into nightmares

    Par for the course I'm afraid. What's the saucepan doing on the Israli's solider helmet?
  4. R

    Does Islam Permit Muslim Men to Rape Their Slave Girls?

    As I said - the article was a polemic and fails to recognize that we now live in the 21st century and not the 1st century. The Bible also sanctions all sorts of other behaviour which we now find abhorrent. Stoned anyone lately? How about burning an ox in your backyard? All of these...
  5. R

    Does Islam Permit Muslim Men to Rape Their Slave Girls?

    Basically the article is nothing short of a polemic against Christianity. The article, like Richards Dawkins, does little more than out line the worst attributes of Christianity. This is not 'news' as you seem to think or the article seeks to suggests. It totally ignores the fact that it...
  6. R

    Does Islam Permit Muslim Men to Rape Their Slave Girls?

    I am actually surprised the question has been raised. I thought both slavery and rape are universally condemned - apparently not.
  7. R

    Question about the sects under Islam

    I don't think it is gibberish at all. The 'background' (the fundamentals) of Islam is similar to both Jewish and Christian traditions - but that 'background' has been given a continual 'face lift' to reflect certain worldly concerns. Thank you. I apologize if I have offended anyone.
  8. R

    Israel rejects cooperation with UN over settlements

    Sadly - I am not surprised at Israeli's reaction. Of course, on of the means of self-supporting these illegal settlements is through the production of munitions. Israel is hardly going to let the UN in to see for itself.
  9. R

    should i leave tti

    Growing is hard to do and none of us seem to perfect the art - at 69 I'm still learning.
  10. R

    French Muslims Distance Islam From Attacks

    It seems the French government has now banned Muslim clerks who were already cleared to come to France have now been refused entry. The government has resorted to panic mode in the face of the election.
  11. R

    Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم‎the Prophet of Islam

    One of the reason I left Christianity is its insistence that the OT is full of prophecies concerning Jesus. For my part, it is very easy to look back in hindsight and cut text out of context and thereby create pretext. In fact, I could very easily cut any bits of texts out and stitch them...
  12. R

    Question about the sects under Islam

    I think you under value yourself. Thank you.
  13. R

    Question about the sects under Islam

    Not really interested in stories - more interested in behaviour. If God hates so much I am left wondering what could he possible love.
  14. R

    Question about the sects under Islam

    Thank you for your reasoned responses. What I struggle to understand is why, for so many, hatred and intolerance amongst Muslims seems endemic. That is the view from the outside. Peace
  15. R

    Question about the sects under Islam

    I'm glad I'm not a Muslim. You guys are worse than Christians over who is/who is not 'orthodox'. The reason I have made no commitment is Islam is the continuing hostilities which leave people dead in many parts of the world - all supposedly in the name of God. It took the Christian...
  16. R

    Is Islam the World's Largest Religion?

    Shooooos - you'll frighten the natives.
  17. R

    If I read the Qur'an I am not a Muslim ...

    That's more complicated than trying to become a Freemason. And, what has any of that to do with reading the Qur'an?
  18. R

    If I read the Qur'an I am not a Muslim ...

    What has that to do with reading the Qur'an? From what I can understand (see OP) if one is a Muslim one does not read the Qur'an.
  19. R

    If I read the Qur'an I am not a Muslim ...

    Please elaborate.
  20. R

    To my displeasure...

    If TV offends, why turn the thing on in the first place?