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  1. N


    I have read some bad things about Muhammad. Many of the hadith I read seemed bad. How do you know a bad hadith and why would a bad one be written ?
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    killing converts

    i have read that the hadith (translation of sahih bukhari) is widely recognized to be authentic. please confirm if this is true. given that this is an authentic translation, how can muslims justify death to those that leave their religion? Volume 9, Book 84, Number 64: Narrated 'Ali...
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    Conception of Jesus

    I have some questions. I do go to a christian site but I am not sure if i AM GETTING THE whole truth. Here is the first question: Is this what muslims believe about the conception of Jesus? If not can you tell me how you believe?
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    Some questions I have

    Greetings everyone; I have a few questions and forgive me if they offend. My first question is about the hadith and Muhammad. I have read from several sources that Muhammad would often do things that would upset his congregation then have a sura the next day or so defending his actions...
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    no insults!

    Hello. I am a Christian who is in search of the truth. I see lots wrong in the Christian faith and much of it confuses me. I am 35 and have been searching for God for 15 years. Islam interests me a bit. But I have a few questions that may insult or may be ignorant. What would be the best way to...