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    Selefie, soefisme, sjieten, nation of Isla, etc

    Salam wa3aleikum bro'sis in Islam Ik heb een vraag over deze hadith: De Profeet (saws) heeft gezegd: ”De joden zullen zich opsplitsen in éénenzeventig groeperingen, de christenen zullen zich opsplitsen in tweeënzeventig groeperingen en mijn Oemmah (gemeenschap) zal zich opsplitsen in...
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    Michael Jackson a muslim?

    Salam wa3aleikum bro'sos I have a question about MJ. Is he convert to Islam? There is some people says yes and the other people says no. I know it was on the media. But media says a lot and i don't take the media serious. I think he is convert to Islam but Allah knows better. So if...
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    Keith Moore A Muslim?

    Salam wa3aleikum bro'sis I wondering if scientist Keith Moore is a muslim or not. Is he u muslim? If you know that if he is a muslim or not. Please let me to know. I am very curious about that. Barka Allahie fiek;) Ws, Ouafae from The Netherlands