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    Muslim Programmers

    Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Check it out, invite your friends too! Its just been launched.
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    Don't Shoot The Messenger

    please spread the link on facebook, forums and other social media platforms, when we ourselves cannot do this awesome task as the brothers at iERA are doing we should push for more awareness of them and their work especially to non-muslims who can relate to such dawah projects and are encouraged...
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    Don't Shoot The Messenger

    Three enlightening articles which are quite short and great for dawah whilst also defending the honour of Rasoolullah SAW. Please read and spread. Try to read at least one of the three. The comments below the articles from non muslims encouraged me to try to spread this message. Test the...
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    If Gary Was Called Ahmad

    Spred the article guys, hypocrisy needs to be exposed.
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    If Gary Was Called Ahmad

    What if Gary McKinnon had been a Muslim? An alternative reading of events The case of Muslim convert Ahmad McKinnon’s battle against extradition has drawn to a close more than 10 years after his initial arrest. Ahmad was first arrested in March 2002, after police raided his house in the...
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    What the Jimmy Saville scandal tells us about modern Britain

    Dr. Abdul Wahid This matter goes far beyond the case of one man. The market-driven attitude towards women, which treats them as commodities, is all too often justified as a “bit of fun” in liberal societies. Until that painful fact is confronted, Britain will forever be looking at ways of...
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    Calling Christians

    I didn't realise *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! is blocked, the thread is called Dawah assistance under general islam. The brothers site is
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    Calling Christians

    A highly imprtant request which I would like to share from one of the few remaining active daees on christianity on the net, he is an expert in christian theology. http://www.*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!.com/forum/showthread.php?94719-Da-wah-Assistance Please read the full thread and please spread...
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    Modern Myths Explained – “Freedom of Speech”

    Dr. Reza Pankhurst Freedom of speech is the concept that one should be express themselves, whatever opinion they may hold. It has never existed as an absolute, and generally the various Western philosophers and thinkers who developed the concept never considered it to be unrestricted –...
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    Utilising trending online and social media for dawah

    How can it be done? It is done widely by music artists or films and even anti-islam information and sites. How can muslims utilise these means to promote some great dawah sites or videos which can certainly open up the eyes of muslims and non muslims. The only time I have seen muslims...
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    Dawkins the Agnostic, and the limitations of Science

    Sharif Hafezi Richard Dawkins is known throughout the world as a prominent advocate for atheism and evolution, however he admitted in February 2012 that he has some doubt over whether a God could exist. In a debate with Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, Dawkins remarked that...
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    My Student, the “Terrorist” – essential reading on American justice for “terror” suspects

    In light of the British court decision to permit the extradition of 5 Muslims to the United States, the following article outlines the treatment and justice they are likely to face going forward. Pale and gaunt, he stood there, having endured three years of pretrial solitary...
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    Obama preaches hollow Western values at UN

    Shafiul Haq “… freedom and self-determination are not unique to one culture. These are not simply American values or Western values – they are universal values… I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution...
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    Freedom Of Speech: An Islamic Perspective

    Umm Ibtihal No Muslim can ever bear the insult of the beloved Prophet of Islam (saw). It is therefore hardly surprising that the recent film attacking the honour of the Prophet (saw) has drawn escalating outrage from Muslims all over the world. To add fuel to the fire, a French magazine has...
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    Islam and Hinduism initiative

    try to spread the page as much as you can, there is a massive shortage on dawah material on hinduism, this should reverse that, though the trouble is keeping the website active on the net so its effect can be felt. You are in india, if you can post it around in indian forums or indian dawah forums.
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    Western Civilization is Not Universal

    Moez Mobeen The Muslim world has risen once again over the blasphemous film insulting the Prophet of Islam. Although such blasphemous material against the Core beliefs and Creed of the Muslims in the forms of books, theatres, pictures and verbal commentary can be found in the archives of...
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    French Cartoons – Baiting Muslims and Islam as a fundamental principle of the Republic?

    links to bolded statements in article are on the bottom link leading to the original article. Forward to other forums if you can.
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    French Cartoons – Baiting Muslims and Islam as a fundamental principle of the Republic?

    The deliberate provocation goes on. Charlie Hebdo published cartoons mocking the Prophet Mohammad in what will be considered by Muslims worldwide as a further gratuitous affront to Islam. The magazine has previous form in incitement, when last year it printed offensive cartoons ridiculing...
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    Islam and Hinduism initiative a nice dawah site aimed at hindus, its the first one I've come across that has a lot of research and articles on hinduism. Can it be made into a sticky if appropriate.
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    Obama and Clinton Celebrate Freedom to Insult Islam

    The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claim that she finds the anti-Muslim film which has led to protests erupting across the Middle East against American diplomatic missions “disgusting” is a worthless gesture as far as the culpability of the American government for this affair...