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    Women who wear burkas and niqabs on the street in France face fines of £700

    re salam sisters , I have been folowing this on BBC world news and i saw a debate about it , it said their are only 2000 niqabis in france. as i said in a previous post ,i am originaly from europ and a convert , so are most of these women , so they dont have the option of "going back to...
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    Women who wear burkas and niqabs on the street in France face fines of £700

    salam salam alaykum sisters , As a niqab wearing european muslim, i find this very scary indeed i lived in france most of my life until just a year and a few months ago , being a niqabi in france i got stoped and surched, insulted ... etc everyday. I now live in the middle east but my...
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    5 Tricks of shaitan

    salam alaykum :) number 3 "you are young have some fun Sadly i hear this one EVERYWHERE !! living in kuwait its all i hear you are young wear something more pretty to go out , you are young dont have some fun before you get married , dont marry until you are 30 have some fun first :s...
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    Help needed for translating from english to french

    re salam alaykum send it to me :) i will do my best
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    ..and it gets worse!!!

    salam to you all ! as the title says yes it gets worse!!! For the first time in half a century, Mister Sarkozy has decided to create a new french millitary base outside of France! GUESS WHERE ??? In the gulf !!! Yes he dared !!! i can't belive it !! this guy is not just any...
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    bushes new pet

    G WBush and his new fluffy little pet Nicolas Sarkozy , have both been visiting the middle east, Mr new pro-bush french president, after saying such things in Fance as : " I don't want an Isalm in France, but an Islam of France" .....( any lots of other things about islam) has now said in his...
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    What would be the main reason to become a muslim?

    peace! and hello !! havn't got much time before first daily prayer (fajr) so can't write much. just maybe a little thing : my little brother lives in england and he has just come over for the week to see me in france, he always makes jockes about me being a muslim ans calls me stupid names...
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    promote islam

    assalamu alykum brothers and sisters I've been a part of this site for nearly a year now , it's like my family :hearts: I think the site is great ! the best i've ever been on! I would like to make a suggestion: could we make a new section dedicated to ideas ,and planning ways to promote...
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    hey lets all move to mekka together !!!!
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    salam, i would like to live in the gulf too i would prefer kuwait but any gulf country will do! why did you start the tread? buying plain tickets for everybody ?:hearts: lol only joking
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    Nationalism makes my blood boil.

    SALAM mmmmm.... i agree that nationalism is bad it's the root of confict. i'm english and i don't hate my country but i'm ashamed of it soooooooooooooo much! I used to be pround of being part of a multiculturel nation , but when you are on the other side of the fence , and you become the...
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    hate for islam

    salam !!! yes yes yes go to the media!!!! my dad was SAS and the army is an ugly place when you know what realy goes on!! Befor when i lived on an army base in germany, men did not get promoted for stupid reasons , like if at a mess dinner thee wife was a loud mouth! but ofcours they were...
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    I want to Miss eid out

    salam! i'm allone for eid too ! revert and don't have any muslims live in my area!
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    salam!! been reading alot of stuff about the exact date of eid! so when do we stop fasting? has it been decided?
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    salam! ca fais longtemps mais je porte niqab depuis !! peutetre seulement quelques jours apres que j'avais ecris le dernier message ! mais en tout cas c'est pas facile tous les jours!
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    ou en france?

    salam , je voudrais savoir ou en france vous habitez? je pense que ce serait sympas pour les soeurs converties et musulmanes nées de se rencontrer( et biensure les freres de leur coté!) perso j'habite dans le 29 et vous?
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    question about multiple wives

    salam! yes i would be a second wife, if the man and his wife had fallen out of love but he wanted to stay only to support her . i would only want my man to have a second wife for the same reasons as the prophet(pbuh) i would be proud ! but i would not agree with a physical relationship...
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    I am a “New Muslim”

    snif snif salam, made me cry too!
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    A day in the life of a niqabi in France

    assalamu alaykum, hope you are all well! I just wanted to share something i went trough the other day! I was in the south of France for exams and the exams being over it was time to go back up north to my family. I had to take the bus to go to the train station: in the bus there were...
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    Saudi women challenge driving ban

    assalamu alaykum, I would not mind not beeing allowd to drive but only if: -the person driving was a very good driver (I don't know what the death rate is or how there driving test is? ) -if there was a driver handy at all times (how much does it cost?) -I would not...