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  1. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    American Convert Problems

    Assalamualikum Sisters and Brothers, Since I have converted in June 2013, I have not heard from very many of the local muslims who would call/text me all the time to invite me for lunches and such and such. I feel as if their only goal was to convert me and now that I have they no longer want...
  2. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Sisters Plucking/threading/waxing eyebrows

    I just read that the removal of the eyebrow hair for a woman is haram. What if my husband does not like how I look when my eyebrows get bushy? He takes me to get them threaded so that I am in his best liking. I am suppose to please my husband when he looks at me and if I do not get my eyebrows...
  3. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Question: Muslim Celebrating New Years

    Why is celebrating New Years not permissible when it is in no way a religious holiday, all people in America celebrate the new year regardless of race, age, religion, or social status. Why is celebrating new years such a bad thing? It doesn't involve anything haram such as dancing or alcohol. My...
  4. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Being questioned about sex slaves

    I am being questioned about the sex slaves in Islam. Please any Hadith or other references to clear up this issue. Thank you
  5. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Converted from Mormonism

    I am a convert from Mormonism, I was wondering if there are any others like me on here. Since Mormonism is so different from what people think Christians are I was looking for someone to relate with. I haven't had any luck searching online or in my community . Please PM me or reply on my thread...
  6. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Question: Celebrating Christmas as a commercial holiday

    I grew up in the USA celebrating Christmas as a totally commercial holiday , just for fun, you know the whole Santa Clause , reindeer , frosty the snowman , the stockings and the tree and presents. I believe in Islam 100% there is no doubt about that, I just don't understand why it would be...
  7. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Husband teases me about Virgins in Jannah

    My husband always shoves it into face that in Jinnah he will have 70 virgins that he will have intercourse with all the years. Why must he do this ? Is it permissible to say something like that to your wife of this life? I know that Allah swt has tested my jealousy but why must my husband say...