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  1. H

    “Kill a Hundred Turks and Rest...”

    :salam2: dear sister and brothers! In the past I heard about this following story, but I thought only it is something in the "past" forget it. But I was unfortunately:-( Well, it is about the way of teaching of the zionism ideology to their youth. Make your own picture about it... I was...
  2. H

    „Töte hundert Türken und dann ruh dich aus!…..“

    :salam2: liebe Geschwister! Ich möchte mit euch folgenden Artikel teilen. Macht euch ein eigenes Bild über diese Sache... :wasalam: DER ERSTE Schritt aus diesem Wahnsinn wäre, all unsere Vorstellungen und Methoden der letzten 60 Jahre zu hinterfragen und mit dem Denken neu zu beginnen...
  3. H

    أخلاق القرآن هي الحلّ

    :salam2: الآن، وأنتم تقرأون هذه الكلمات هناك أناس كثيرون يعانون من الأذى… بعضهم يتعذّب من الجوع… والبعض الآخر أُجبر على العمل وهو صغير السّن… وهناك أناس آخرون طُردوا من بيوتهم، وحِيل بينهم وبين أهليهم، وحرموا من العيش مع أبنائهم، ونُفوا من أوطانهم… كل يوم تطالعنا الصحف والتلفزيون بمشاهد...
  4. H


    :salam2: liebe Geschwister im Islam! Ich ahbe eine Doku im Netz gefunden, vielleicht werdet ihr ein Nutzen daraus ziehen können, insha'allah! salam
  5. H

    une video sur le niqab!(l'anglais)

    Salut :hearts:! et salam
  6. H

    Ya Niqabi! (video)

    :salam2: Hope you will enjoy it, insha'allah. Masalamah
  7. H

    Ya niqabi!

    Ya Niqabi! You are the honour of ISLAM You are the mountain of Eman Only with you my life is in harmony Only trough you I can live more pridefully The highest step of taqwa belongs to You! The pleasure of ALLAH(t) belongs to You! The way you are dressed makes us proud The...
  8. H

    Prophet’s Mosque now open 24 h (bi isnillah)

    :salam2: :wasalam: what do you think about it? I am happy to hear this:-)
  9. H

    Flying to malaaaaaaaaaaaaaaysiaaaaaaa, insha'allah!

    Salamunalykum wr wb! Hey you there! Yes, you malaysian TTI'ers:-) I need some advices, especially about Kuala Lumpur! How to get a cheap accomodation there? Do you know anybody? salam persahabatan dan salam perjuangan daripada ana..:) masalamah
  10. H

    the earth is a work of art

    Asalamaualaykum wr wb ! I wanted to share with you this masalamah
  11. H

    Islamischer Vortrag

    bismillah :salaam: liebe Geschwister im Islam! Mit dem Slogan "Ich bin Muslim" wird Bruder Abdul Adhim Kamouss Vorträge halten inscha'allah! Wann und wo? Mainz: Im Islamischen Kulturverein e.V. Mz-Kostheim Anton-Hehn-Straße 2 Mainz-Kostheim: Am Freitag, den 13.07.2007, um 18:00...
  12. H

    Do you know the IIUM?

    :salam2: to you all! I wanted to know if there is anybody he could give me some advise and information about the IIUM, yani the Islamic University of Malaysia nad in general about this country? Masalamah
  13. H

    The family of al hayya - Palestine this video is in arabic with turkish subtitle! source:
  14. H

    Make Dua for me, please

    Asalamualakum wr wb! on the following days I will take, bi isnillah, my t A-levels. The days are 20., 23., and 27.03.06. I would be glad if you would pray for me fi sabilillah:-) Masalamah :tti_sister:
  15. H

    You are the honour of Islam!

    Ya Niqabi! You are the honour of ISLAM You are the mountain of Eman Only with you my life is in harmony Only trough you I can live more prideful The highest step of taqwa belongs to You! The pleasure of ALLAH(t) belongs to You! The way you are...