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    So what’s your addiction?

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    1) to much violence 2) the use of "god" "allah" to further ones "cause". 3) we still dont know how to take care of our planet; I guess people figure when we use it up we can move to another. 4) To much sex and sexual content in the media 5) People cant love and except one another ...
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    Muslim PR

    How do you deal with negative Islamic PR in the news? People really feel that all Muslims are bad, especially my family. I live with my non-Muslim father and sometimes he brings up the topic but I try to avoid it when possible. :shymuslima1:
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    She made my blood boil

    I wonder if this happens from the friends they were keeping? I think it is very important to keep kids in the right circle, if possible and OUT of public schools.. May Allah help them.
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    Islamophobia Test in England. The Hijab Woman and Racist Abuse in Town Centre.

    I really dont think this amounts to racism. 20/20 did a show (not long ago)that showed people WOULD NOT help a woman being abused by her boyfriend in public. People walked right pasted them and never doing or saying anything. I think people in general just lost their humanity! No one wants...
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    Thank you for your reply! I have been feeling unfulfilled in Christianity;always have. I cannot comprehend Jesus is God. How can a meir man be God? When Jesus was praying to God; who was he praying to if heaven was empty? It is very hard to believe for me. Honestly, Islam seems to be a more...
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    Hi, my name is Kathy, and I am thinking of converting to Islam.
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    For all the former Christians ; what made you convert to Islam? Did something draw you too it. What kind of Christian were you? I was catholic but dont consider myself that any more. :tti_sister: