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    El salam alikium

    A BIG WELCOME :salam2: sister subhana allah ,allahu akbar mashallah sister may ALLAH guide you and may your imane (belief) become stronger and stronger if you need anything just ask we will try to help you as we can inshallah (by the will of ALLAH) :salam2:
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    Video A 75 Year Old American Lady Reverted to Islam

    masha allah :salam2: brother jazaka allahu khayran That's a great lucky lovely lady alhamdulillah,by the way she reminds me my grandmother mashallah ,she has a smiling face subhanallah as in the sunnah. may allah blesss her and :salam2: dear brother
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    Salam all

    congratulations :salam2: brother congratulations and welcome to islam I am very happy for you because you were chosen as me and many others by allah to be a muslim and I am sure you will like all about islam since it's the true religion of allah One advice for you is to try being in company...
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    Récit d´une convertie (audio)

    assalmou allaykom wa rahmatou allah wa barakatouh, alhamdoulillah , alhamdoulillah . j'ai été très ému . mashallah. Inshallah j'espère pour la soeur en question une vie pleine de ta9wa et qu'allah l'aide avec son mari à élever ses enfants selon les principes de l'islam malgré l'influence de la...
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    Brothers and sisters i really need your Help: Emergency

    assalamou alaykom brother, as the other brothers and sisters said remember that you should talk with respect to your father anyway. I think that you could remind him about what allah all mighty says in the quran about to be just between all the wives.I think he will re-think inchallah and...
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    Video A Greece Men Convert to Islam Mönchengladbach

    baraka allah fik may allah bless you brother , assalamu alaykom wa rahmatu allah wa barakatuh i m very happy alhamdu li allah i feel as i've got a new brother,in fact that's the case. and your english is not so bad :) and big thanks to allah almighty and hello to our brothers in germany and...
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    Video New Muslim Sister from Puerto Rico

    thanks to allah assalmu alaukom sister and camera(man/woman), god bless you sister for your self-thinking , and welcome to the big community of islam the true way of life :mashallah:
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    mashallah :salam2: god bless you brother,you were chosen as many others around the world to follow the right way,because in the quran allah (SWT) almighty say that he guides to truth whom he wants . :mashallah:
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    Video Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World. Children in England Turn To Islam.

    fitra as prophet peace be up on him :saw2: said in a hadeeth , every human being is born muslim (ala al fitra : by nature) and after his birth it's his parents and environnement that make him or her someting else.
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    Video Yusuf Estes Journey to Islam. How he became Muslim.

    :salam2: :ma: wonderful human being thanks to islam , thanks to allah. :salam2:
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    Video Muslim in the Family UK

    :salam2: masha allah these people are wonderful and an example of self thinking and objectivity baraka allah fik brother , may allah guide more and more. as allah tells us in surat Annasr i have to say::astag: :astag: :astag: wa alhamdo to allah the almighty :ma: