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  1. Rawa

    Nice Little News!

    After a pupil had left his home because of his father's threat, he was found by emergency police! Some days ago, there was news about a Kurdish pupil who was lost. The story was that his father threatened him, saying if you do not get good marks, I would do so and so... And the pupil...
  2. Rawa

    Support your Prophet (PBUH)!

    Salams, In Paltalk, a chat room has been set up to insult the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon Him. To legally shut up this room, 4,000,000 people should sign against this room. Do you love your Prophet? So, sign in the following link to shut up this disgusting room...
  3. Rawa


    Brothers and sisters, Al-Salamu Alaikum Tomorrow is the 16th March. Let's go back 20 years ago, on the 16th March, 10:55 am, when the Iraqi air forces attacked Halabja, a Kurdish town in the north east of Iraq, using chemical weapons and poisonous gas. In his book about attacking Halabja...
  4. Rawa


    Simple information, but meaningful! There are 4 million orphans and more than 1 million widows in Iraq while its population is 30 million!
  5. Rawa

    video: a man like a tree!!!

    Look at the following video. It is about an Indonisian man whose hands and feet have become like roots of trees. Subhanallah!!!
  6. Rawa

    US soldiers attacked an Iraqi pregnant woman!

    The League of Islamic Scholars in Iraq: "The 3 US soldiers were killed because they atatcked a Muslim woman." The League of Islamic Scholars in Iraq announced that an Iraqi soldier killed 3 US soldiers on 26/12/2007 in Mosul (3rd largest Iraqi city), one of them is high ranked, and wounded 4...
  7. Rawa

    إحصائيات: 10 بالمئة من سكان تركيا سيتحولون إ&a

    إحصائيات: 10 بالمئة من سكان تركيا سيتحولون إلى الديانة المسيحية PUKmedia عن وكالة الإخلاص 19:58:59 2007-12-24 نشرت صحيفة "راديكال" في عددها الصادر صباح يوم الاثنين 24/12/2007 مقالة للكاتب الصحفي تولغا أكينار تحت عنوان "إحصائيات تؤكد أن 10 بالمئة من سكان تركيا سيتحولون إلى...
  8. Rawa

    Video, Turkish air attacks on the Kurds!!!

    Salam, Watch the video in the following link. It is about the Turkish air attacks on the Kurds in the north of Iraq. The attack started few days before Eid Aladha 17th Dec. onwards!!! The man who is crying over the dead body of a mother dressed in black, says:" This is the dead body of my...
  9. Rawa

    Do you know?

    هل تعلم ؟؟؟؟؟؟ هل تعلم أن أول من تمنى الموت ؟ هو يوسف عليه السلام . هل تعلم أن أول ما يرفع من أعمال هذه الأمة ؟ الصلوات الخمس . هل تعلم أن أول صلاة صلاها رسول الله ؟ هي صلاة الظهر . هل تعلم أن أول من تنشق عنه الأرض يوم القيامة ؟ هو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم هل تعلم أن أول من يقرع باب...
  10. Rawa

    What do you say about committing suicide?!

    Today it has become a daily phenimenon that in Iraq people suicide against the US troops and Iraqi police. Most of the time the victims are poor Iraqi civilans. We everyday hear one or two US soldiers are killed and wounded, with twenty or thirty Iraqi civilians got killed and a larger number...
  11. Rawa


    « ان الدین عند الله اسلام، آل عمران ، 19» «ومن یتبع غیر اسلام دینا فلن یقبل منه، و هو فی الاخره من الخاسرین آل عمران ، 85»
  12. Rawa

    Lets laugh for a while!

    Salam, Look at the following links:
  13. Rawa

    Imagine your family!
  14. Rawa

    Video, US Army Killed Kurds in Iraq

    Nothing to sat
  15. Rawa

    My mum tells me:" You always take risks!"

    Salam, 25 years ago I lost almost all my extended family in a massacre, including my dad, my only brother, my uncle, my grand-dad, and my cousins. And several others left wounded including my mum, who till suffers from the sharpnel pieces in her body! After she lost her husband, her only son...
  16. Rawa

    US Captain Converted to Islam

    A Great US Military Leader in Afghanistan Has Announced His Conversion to Islam Captain Coremire(?) Michael who is the leader of one of the US military unites in Afghanistan has announced his conversion to Islam. The Iranian News Agency declared that the governor of the Jazani region and a...
  17. Rawa

    Iraq: a bloody land!
  18. Rawa


    Salam Brothers, Sisters, May you be all very well. Please HELP me! There is a web site recently set up just agaist Islam. It is against Allah, Thre Prophet (SAW), the Holy Quran... It is not in English but in some other language. It is worse than whatever you imagine!!! My ask for help...
  19. Rawa

    HELP!!! (URGENT!!)

    Salam Brothers, Sisters, May you be all very well. Please HELP me! There is a web site recently set up just agaist Islam. It is against Allah, Thre Prophet (SAW), the Holy Quran... It is not in English but in some other language. It is worse than whatever you imagine!!! My ask for help...
  20. Rawa

    Hospital Window

    Hospital Window A great note for all to read it will take just 47 seconds to read this and change your thinking Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his...