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    disrespect at masjid

    Asalam alaykum Brother Here in England we have a large Pakistani community and many reverts warn me away from their Masjids as they find them 'cultural' and biased. I now attend a smaller masjid where we enjoy the company of many different ethnicities. I know that the local 'pro-Pakistani...
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    Learned Muslims please assist me with this question...

    The Arabic language like many Eastern languages uses the 'plural of respect'. We see in English Quran translations that Almighty Allah's words are rendered such that He seems to refer to Himself as 'We' or 'Us' many times. This isn't a problem in Arabic nor many other languages, but in...
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    Put simply... I know of many women who share a husband and are very happy and well looked after, yet I've never, ever, not even once, met a man that would share his wife in my entire life.
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    question about multiple wives

    As I understand it, Inshallah, it is Bida to make Haram what almighty Allah has made Halal. If Allah makes a thing Halal and you deny a Muslim the right to enjoy that Mercy, you are in grave error. Further, if you allow another person to make laws for you that contradict Allah's Laws, you are...