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  1. O

    Robert Spencer Refuted

    he's the ignorant supply to the ignorant demand of islamaphobes...why people he give the time of day, i will never know...just shows the desperation of these people, they consider an idiot a champion in the war against islam...may allah have mercy on them...
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    To become a Muslim or Not?(1 )

    salaam...just continue to persevere...if you stick to what the qur'an teaches and follow the sunnah of the prophet and you won't go may take you a while to realize what you want but be patient and i'm sure allah will reward you...
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    Just Abit sad About a test grade !!!

    to be honest, i don't really practice islam as much as i should...i am slowly trying to implement praying into my daily lifestyle and inshaallah i will start to pray 5 times a day...i am probably the epitome of lazy, i have been most of my life yet i've managed to do reasonably well albeit not...
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    Just Abit sad About a test grade !!!

    everyone has varying intelligence, Allah may not have made you the most intellectual person but i am sure he has given you other qualities that your friends lack... of course you can do better but only you will know how better you can be, you should pray and try your best and whatever you get...
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    What's your degree or education background?

    salaam to all... currently i am a pursuing a bachelors degree in economics...i hope to in the future complete both my mphil and phd in economics, inshaallah...