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  1. P

    Importance of Past? (Marriage)Hmm

    :salam2: a brother: No you didn't akhy. Sorry if I sounded that way but It's also alittle diffcult via. internet. reaz: I think you misunderstood me. I never said that being cautious it is always jahl.. I was saying that a jahil person is a jahil. that an european and a middle eastern both...
  2. P

    Importance of Past? (Marriage)Hmm

    "a brother would be worried that the muslim female would disobey Allah again...this could be one reason" Okay so you're saying that a reverted muslimah will never disobey Allah again but there is chance that a muslim born muslimah will do it? Sorry but I totally disagree... Theres no...
  3. P

    Importance of Past? (Marriage)Hmm

    Alsalamu 'aleekum wa ra7matAllah wa Barakatuh I have been thinking of something for a long time, but I've never really had the chance to ask anyone.. So I think this site is perfect as we can be "anonymous" 7amdella. Something has bothered me, when it comes to marriage.. Why do so many...
  4. P

    Marriage question

    :wasalam: I think you should marry a good practicing muslim sister, be it one from usa or your native country..doesn't really matter.. or does it? But I do think it can be alittle difficult if you're going to marry a sister from your native country.. 'Cause will you live there? or will she...
  5. P


    I have one question.. When I try to post something like a reply on other topics, why isn't my post being shown?
  6. P

    How should I react to females?

    Wa 3alikumu salam brother. Its not allowed to be alone with a female.. What should be avoided is Khulwah. Because if you are alone with a female, there is always a third person (Shaytan).. Whenever a man is alone with a woman, Satan is the third among them.(Reported by At-Tirmidhi)...
  7. P


    Barak Allah fikum for all your greetings..:SMILY259:
  8. P


    Al salamu 3aleekum w ra7matAllah w barakatuh I've known this website for some months now, but havn't really looked into it. So I just created an account to see whats on it In shaa2 Allah.