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    women priests

    becarefull assalamualaikum brothers and sisters there is no harm in women being religious councillors etc. but we should not ignore the facts , which is, the people behind their appointments.. munafikoons(hypocrites) are using the fear of extremist to destroy our deen as kamal ataturk of...
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    Life Insurance

    i want to be a looser! assalamualaikum insurance is not gambling. a person"s faith depends on his intenson. first of all does a person who goes for a insurance policy intends to win. does he says o ALLAH make me...
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    Venezuela 'to sever Israel ties'

    shame on poodles of bush... shame on poodles of bush such as musharraf pesident of pakistan including hamid karzai, king of jordan and saudi arabia, husne mubarak of egypt etc. may be they are all munafiks hypocrites not muslims(ALLAH knows best) they are not even angry when muslims are killed...