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    Congregational dua after Salah is an innovation

    Sorry the link on which I found it is
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    Congregational dua after Salah is an innovation

    :salam2: I found the following fatwa on In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh In the recent past the issue regarding dua after salah has...
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    Bidah hasanah and Bidah sayyihah

    :salam2: I was having a discussion with someone on congregational dua after Salaah. He claimed it is bidah hasanah. I asked about Meelad and he says it is Bidah sayyihah. I would like to know how do you recognize the difference between the two. :wasalam:
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    want learn arabic?

    Slmz. I would like to learn Arabic poetry and balaghah, do you know any site where I can learn this. Jzkl
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    As salamu alaykum

    :salam2:. I hope to benefit from everyone and enjoy myself on this forum