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    SHIRK in cele 3 tipuri de Tawheed.

    As'salamu aleikom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh Categoriile de Shirk Studierea Tawheedului nu poate fi considerata completa fara o analiza a opusului acesteia si anume SHIRK-UL. Cateva mentionari despre shirk am facut deja in capitolul Tahweed, si am dat si cateva exemple pentru a...
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    Dream interpretation.

    As'salamu aleikom wa rahamtullah wa barakatuh UqbuJ_Ktzvo
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    The three foundations of islamic Faith

    Assalam Aleikum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatuhu For all new muslims these are the most basic principles of islamic faith explained to us in short by shaiek Mohammed Hassan zdQdThdqEvA Dont forget to turn on captions on youtube to get the english subtitles
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    Salafi Dawah

    Assalam Aleikum wa Rahamtu Allah wa Barakatuhu to all the new muslims who do not know exactly what is the salafi dawah,, what do we mean by salafi and all the other questions about this. Here is a video that will explain it all. ZTGfAdxYD1Q Please don't forget to turn the captions on for the...
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    O my Son by Samer Flees

    Assalam Aleikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh IOUPAXc-rYs I hope everyone likes this nasheed
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    Tratamentul cu Ruqiya Din Sfantul Coran si Sunnah

    Tratamentul cu Ruqiya Din Sfantul Coran si Sunnah De Dr.Saeed Ali Al-Qahtani Introducere : Importanta tratamentului cu Sfantul Coran si Sunnah: Inna Alhamda lillah nahmaduhu wa nastaeenuhu wa nastaghfiruhu , wa naoudu billahi min Shuroori anfusina wa min sayyiat aamalina , man yahdihi...