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  1. LoveIslam123

    Battle over face veil brewing in Egypt

    salam aleikum Is this true that women are wearing Niqab in front of female students? Its really hard to tell what's going on exactly about Niqab issue in Egypt . Media here is so twisted and ridiculous .This article I saw on Yahoo news today...
  2. LoveIslam123

    Looking for hadith

    salam aleikum I'm looking for hadith about ,that we have to look good when we perform Salah That we have to wear nice clothes and not just whatever.. Is there a hadith about that ? waaleikum salam
  3. LoveIslam123

    Masjid Al Aqsa?

    salam aelikum I have a question ... I been wondering about something.. The Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him ,that is described in the Quran....So Prophet,peace be upon him,was praying in the Masjid Al Aqsa during the Night journey,but who build the Masjid Al Aqsa at that...