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  1. OmarFarooq

    free will or not?

    :salam2: can somebody please explain to me regarding free will because some here say we do have it and some say we don't. please be clear so that i may increase my ilm. **EDIT** i was reading this e-book on Islam and this is what it says on page 48...
  2. OmarFarooq

    Zakat Calculator!

    :salam2: I found this nice Zakat Calculator, from a Islamic Zakat website. Now i can finally know how much Zakat i need to give. :) The Zakat Calculator:
  3. OmarFarooq

    Are we all going to hell first?

    ok i am confused by this because it says that people will be consumed by the hell fire, but their mark of prostration will not be consumed in the fire. its confusing because you would probably need to pray a lot to get mark and you would still go to hell? please answer :confused:
  4. OmarFarooq

    + Heavens and the Earth +

    :salam2: i found this on another Islamic website and decided to post it here, it is pretty amazing as you compare the size of different planets you realize how small our earth is. :) {The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of mankind...} Pretty...
  5. OmarFarooq

    web dev anyone?

    :salam2: i wanted to know how many people here work with or know php/mysql and are into web development. i want us to work together to create something cool. i am learning php all the time and i am pretty good with photoshop and illustrator. i have some websites too. i was thinking we could...
  6. OmarFarooq

    Please Everybody Keep...

    :salam2: Please everybody keep a eye on your message system to see if u have received any messages because sometimes it can be important, but people check them after such a long time. :SMILY209:
  7. OmarFarooq

    Psychopath test is FALSE

    :salam2: please read this it proves why the Psychipath test is wrong. :SMILY335:
  8. OmarFarooq

    Similarities in Culturals of the Muslim World

    :salam2: i really want to know the cultural similarities in the Muslim World, like how people in your country dress, what kinds of foods, what kind of language, what kind of people, any thing , i just want to us to share our cultural and how its similar
  9. OmarFarooq

    fighting over Palestine?

    :salam2: i don't want to sound odd but why are we fighting over Palestine, is it because of Masjid Al-Aqsa? if it is, then we should stop trying to fight for it right now because i think Muslims right now are too weak economically and that means militarily. so there is no importance in...
  10. OmarFarooq

    ZEITGEIST, The Movie

    :salam2: i found this interesting video on Google Video, it talks about Christianity sharing beliefs with different people from history, like pagan people it also says the cross is pagan, check it out and tell me what you view is, i really want to know. ZEITGEIST, The Movie
  11. OmarFarooq


    :salam2: does anybody know a good article on Qadr in Islam.
  12. OmarFarooq

    Crying while praying

    :salam2: i wanted to ask you when you cry while you pray and then you start to have a running nose and you can't like hold because your praying, and it falls on the masalaa (praying carpet) does that break your wudu :confused:
  13. OmarFarooq

    Intention in Salaat?

    :salam2: can somebody tell me about intention in salaat, for example whether you say it or just have it, i am really confused? i need help :confused:
  14. OmarFarooq


  15. OmarFarooq

    What makes an Arab an Arab?

    :salam2: i want to know what makes an arab person an arab person, i mean if you speak arabic does the make u an arab, because as you know the people living in iraq, algeria, egypt, etc; were not called arabs but only after the were conquered by Muslims and there language was arabic only then...
  16. OmarFarooq

    Join this site

    :salam2: this is a message to all those guests that are wondering around here, please register, and have fun talking to everybody, ask questions, learn new things, this is a non-profit website, :) wa salaam
  17. OmarFarooq

    Haram and Haram

    :salam2: i wanted to ask u guys the difference of pronounceation in Haram (Grand Mosque in Makka) and Haram (something that is not allowed), can u please tell me how to pronounce the arabic word for the Grand Mosque wa salaam
  18. OmarFarooq

    wow Muslim Khilafah is 3 times bigger than the Roman empire

    :salam2: i just found out that the Muslim Khilafah, was almost 3 times as big as the Roman Empire, thats amazing, europeans are alway bragging about how the Roman Empire was so big. Muslim Khilafah was the largest empire before its fall. check these facts out: Islamic Caliphate - 13.2...
  19. OmarFarooq


    :salam2: are we allowed to setup the khilafah by our self, let me give u an example, lets say there is this guy who becomes the president of a country and then establishes the khilafah, and makes sharia the law of the land. then that person makes his country really powerful and expands, can...
  20. OmarFarooq

    Question about hizbu tahrir?

    :salam2: i have a question about hizbu tahrir, i wanted to know whether its political organization or a religious one, and are its intentions good or bad, in your point of view. please i really need an answer wa salaam