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  1. M

    Aussie priest denies Jesus is God

    I am sure not all christians think Jesus PBUH think Jesus=God....... (most never think about it),00.html Church row escalates as priest denies Jesus was God On the line for parishioners of St Mary's and several other parishes in...
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    school teachers

    What would you do if you had a college instructor that constantly degrades Islam ?
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    The new me.....

    :salam2: I am going to reintroduce myself here. I am as of a few days ago a MUSLIM! :ma: It is so odd. Once the veil over my eyes was lifted (the veil being the catholic church and christianity) I just see things so clearly now! Now I look back on my beliefs and wonder how could any...
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    How do muslims know Muhammad was honest about his message? And I have heard the he contemplated suicide but someone said it was a weak hadith. What does that mean? And why would people lie?
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    I am Murra. (my AKA name):shake: I am interested in Islam. I have been for a while but really didn't know how to pursue it. Now I have a PC and its a bit easier! Where do I start with my questions? Murra