Search results

  1. N

    I'm new with you!!

    assalamualaikum am new here too.a warm welcome from me all along from malaysia. take care.may allah bless you,family and all the muslims around the world.
  2. N

    The Fear of Fame: A Lost Characteristic

    :salam2: The scholars and the righteous of this Ummah always feared fame and becoming well-known amongst the people. They would dislike for their name to be mentioned much and you can see one of them fleeing from the people as if they were a fitnah (trial), whilst at other times you can see...
  3. N

    benefits of suras

    assalamualaikum am nur.from malaysia.i have read in few books that its ok to wear it.and also some of the book says its for me,i think its forbideen.thgouh am not a ustazah o a scholar.insyallah i will ask few of my frens about it.they have better knowledge about islam. wasalam
  4. N


    assalamualaikum terima kasih atas ucapan.
  5. N


    wa'alaikumsalam thanks for the warm welcome. insyallah i will gain extra knowledge from all the Brothers and Sisters.
  6. N


    helo..!!!am NUr from Malaysia..a new member of dis website...may allah bless all the muslim brothers and sister all around da world.hope we can share and guide each other to be in right path as an muslim.