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  1. K

    help me better understand this from Prophet(PBUH) prayer described

    JazakAllah for clearing that up. The copies which Fatima and Hafsa had, were they written on paper? Some people claim that the Quran was written on bones, dried leafs and leather.
  2. K

    help me better understand this from Prophet(PBUH) prayer described

    :salam2: Wasn't the Quran arranged into it's current form in the time of Usman ibn Affaan radiallahu anhu? Sura Fateha would not be the opening chapter then would it? Can someone help in explaining this to me? JazakAllah
  3. K

    Questions to Muslims

    You mean seven things?
  4. K

    Questions to Muslims

    LOL. Excellent!
  5. K


    Not doubting you brother / sister but are you sure this is an authentic Hadith?
  6. K


    :salam2: Muslims believe in taqdeer (fate), good or bad it is all Allah subhanahu wata'ala's wish. I have read that the ONLY thing which can change fate is dua (prayer) but I cannot prove it because I cannot remember in which book I read it from. If knows which book I'm talking about, please...