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  1. B

    Ummah Today

    :bismillah: :salam2: brothers and sisters I do agree with your view on certain points but at the same time have different view. since our grand parents were deficit of right information and at the same time sources of information were limited. They believed only what their masters taught them...
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    I bought my first kufi today

    :salam2: since i do not understand what is kufi but i guess it might be the dress which muslim womens usually wear in arabs. please tell what actually kufi is?
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    Assalamu Alaikum !

    wasalam brothers and sisters, i am feeling very delighted with your warm welcome to this group inshallah it will help us all
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    Asalamu alaykum wa rehmatula hi wa barakatuhu brothers and sisters i am indeed new to this site but not new to religion ISLAM. I am a muslim by birth.I am from kashmir. I am very thankfull to the person who actually told me about this site. I once again thank her. As is said that if you...