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  1. M

    Women and non-Muslims

    Thank you so very much for these excellent questions. I indeed think, this will help to clarify my point of view and maybe also some wrong conclusions of yours about Western societies. Well, the hope dies at last ;) Firstly, I personally am oppose to por*ography and strip clubs. Secondly, this...
  2. M

    Women and non-Muslims

    Hello Abdalilah! Thanks for joining the discussion! To answer your question - I don't have the UN Charta in mind. When I speak of "equal rights" for men and women, I mean that no one has to face disadvantages just because of it's gender. And of course this embeds any field, be it politic...
  3. M

    Women and non-Muslims

    Thanks also to you for the welcome. You mentioned the "propaganda" I received and the lack of knowledge. Well, I indeed have deep hopes you can satisfy my questions in a correct and respectable manner. After reading the first reply I already (without having read your post, cause I answer...
  4. M

    Women and non-Muslims

    I read the link you provided. Please, let me comment them: How can you reconcile this statement, when in Islam adult women have to ask for permit (be it their husband if married or their father or any other male) to make certain decisions - for example to work or the freedom to decide where to...
  5. M

    Women and non-Muslims

    Hello again to everyone who participated already in this thread and welcomed me! Hm, I honestly didn't mean my last sentence seriously when asking "if they all just misinterprete Islam?", lol. But - as honest and good your answer was meanted, it left me quite helpless, though. How can I come to...
  6. M

    I think Germany need an Islamic Court.

    The opposite. This incident is another proof for that religion better should not be mixed up with law. This happened in Germany. A democratic country with the requirement to treat it's citizen, no matter which race, gender or religion, equally. In jurisprudence in Germany, cultural and...
  7. M

    Hello from Regensburg, Germany

    Hello to all. Greetings from Regensburg, Germany. Hence, english isn't my first language and so I appologise in advance for my mistakes. I am neither Muslims nor Christians nor adherent of any religion. I have several questions about Islam, as reality (unfortunately if I may add without...
  8. M

    Women and non-Muslims

    First, my english isn't my first language and so I appologise in advance for my mistakes. I am not a Muslim, I am in fact not religious at all. I don't intend to provoke. I have several questions about Islam, though, as reality (unfortunately) urges me to deal with your religion in my own...