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  1. C

    Lions of the Ummah...

    :(:( ı sad for you or if this website's policy like urs,it is shameful... U can say Amir for Khattab(rahimalluh),this website may be no have any Russian's member...ı hope Allah donate to us...:(:(
  2. C

    Lions of the Ummah...

    Es salamun aleykum wa rahmatullah... Nice video about some lions of the Ummah...I hope my brothers and sisters like it.. or u can search in the youtube Lions of the Ummah...with salam and dua...
  3. C

    Es selamun aleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu

    JazakALLAH to you brother..nice to see some turkish muslims too here...yeah me too hope...
  4. C

    Es selamun aleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu

    Ohh my dear brother...I am shying to want forgiveness from you and all of Mujahidden's Gaza...:(:(
  5. C

    Es selamun aleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu

    İnsallah my dear brother İnsALLAH....
  6. C

    Es selamun aleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu

    Bismillah while ı search something ı noticed that website....nice to meet that website:)..I am from turkey...ı hope that website will help to me for learning and sharing about islam more...With salam and Dua...