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  1. M

    Islamic radio show

    Salaam all, My husband has started an online radio show which I have recently joined as a co-host. We would like to invite everyone to come and enjoy the show at We cover Muslim issues and current events that affect everyone. We are also in the process...
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    Asalaam Alaykum from a new Muslimah

    Asalaam Alaikum, I as well am a new Muslimah, having only said Shadah 2 days ago. I still haven't figured out how to put on a square hijab, so when I bought one, I purchased an Al-amira hijab, which is pre-sewn, you just need to slip it on and go about your business. I hope this...
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    Salaam, I kept my given name for two reasons. Number one, I like it, I feel it suits me and number two, it has no bad connontations behind it. It is Latin in origin, meaning "Honey Bee". If my name had been something else with an un-Islamic meaning, I would have changed it at the time...
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    My reversion story.... Salaam all, I would like to give you a brief history on the path to my reversion. I say brief, because some details are personal and may lead to back biting. I was born into the Mormon faith. I never really felt comfortable in the religion and told my...
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    Salaam all, It is very early in the morning where I live and my 25th birthday. I have just said my Shahada with my husband as my witness. I couldn't be happier and nor more excited about reverting to this beautiful religion. It has been a very long religious journey for me, one...
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    Hello all, I am not only new to this website, but new to Islam as well. I am planning on saying my SHahada on either November 8th or 9th, I haven't decided which just yet. I live in America and am married to a wonderful born Muslim man with a beautiful almost 5 year old daughter. This is a...