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  1. M

    What is your favorite nasheed video?

    Salam everyone, Just curious what everyone's favorite nasheed videos are? (I haven't seen all of them online and want to know what the best ones are)
  2. M

    TurnToIslam forum is # 1 for total users!

    Salam everyone, I was doing some research online and found that TurnToIslam is: #1 for total users online This is from a top 10 list I compiled recently on my blog! Congrats to TurnToIslam :-) MashAllah :-)
  3. M


    Assalamualaikum, I hope this message reaches you all in the best of health and faith. I just registered at this forum and thought I'd drop a line. I live in Canada and was born and raised Muslim. Alhamdulllilah, I've been married for a few years and I also try to work/participate in my...