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    can't understand any thing in life except quran

    ahmed from egypt
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    El Habeb El Momo

    El Habeb El Momo memorizing the whole quran & has brain disease
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    translation of meanings of quran in16 language
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    the Day of Judgement

    Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee
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    Video maged ayoup with a new revert
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    The Bible Leads to Islam
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    إيجابيات الخطاب السلفي

    إيجابيات الخطاب السلفي د. عبدالرحيم بن صمايل السلمي كل من يقرأ التاريخ المعاصر ويرصد الأحداث لا تخطئ عينه الفضائل الكبرى التي كانت للخطاب السلفي على الأمة الإسلامية اليوم، ففي سنوات لا تتجاوز الخمسين سنة انتشر هذا الخطاب انتشارا مذهلا في الأمة شرقا وغربا، وأصبحت المؤلفات والفتاوى والمؤسسات...
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    hijrah (migration) to madina started hurry up As our prophet (pbuh) migrated to al madina where he built islamic society then spread it to the whole world So , brother amr ali from egypt built a new website exactly as facebook but islamic to collect muslims allover the world this link for group call all...
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    i want a permission plz

    why i havennot permission to go to my profile page i want to upload a photo & change my name:SMILY176::SMILY176::SMILY176::SMILY176: :rolleyes:
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    thanks every one

    :salam2: :bismillah: my name is mohamed kamal from egypt i want to tell every one here that this website has changed my life you have encouraged me to learn more about islam to help myself &others &invite non muslims you should go on &never stop dawah it is the greatest jop on the earth...