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  1. ChebbaTan

    Muslim Gay Activism?!

    Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, Few months ago a friend and I were shocked when discovered a British series of videos on YouTube called "Gay Muslims UK", broadcasted by channel 4. It really disgusted us, especially when they began to say they're practicing Muslims and trying...
  2. ChebbaTan

    Como o Muçulmano Deve Jurar

    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, Achei interessante e pertinente o tema do artigo que segue, pois muitas vezes ouvimos opiniões infundadas ou mal fundamentadas de pessoas cuja responsabilidade é transmitir correctamente o ilm, e este assunto...
  3. ChebbaTan

    Hijab em Portugal - Reportagem do Jornal Expresso

    Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, Gostaria de partilhar com os meus irmãos e irmãs que falam a língua portuguesa esse artigo que saiu no semanário Expresso, o mais conceituado do país e que se encontra agora disponível online no seguinte link...
  4. ChebbaTan

    Finally, I reverted to Islam

    Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Alhamdulillah, I finally take my shahada yesterday, first alone at 3:30 a.m. and then at the masjid with the sheikh and some friends at 15:30 p.m. I felt muslim for so long inside... but I had to study Islam carefully because I had previous...
  5. ChebbaTan

    Adoption in Islam

    Salam Waleikum, There is this subject which I would like to clarify once I get different opinions from Muslims on this - adoption. Some say it is interdict at all, others say it is allowed (once the Prophet saw also had an adopted son) but under specific conditions which make it differ from...
  6. ChebbaTan

    My first visit to the Masjid

    Assalam waleikum, I have no words to express how happy I feel for having decided to accept the invitation for visiting the mosque and assist to a class there for non-muslims and converts. It was a magnificent place full of peace, simplicity and light. I felt so welcomed, it is a very...
  7. ChebbaTan

    the belief in Destiny

    Assalamu aleikum, This is one of the most difficult teachings for me to accept, therefore I'd be very much grateful if you could explain it to me in clear and simple comments, using references to the Quran and these are my main doubts: Does Allah swt decide what is going to be our destiny...
  8. ChebbaTan

    The Concept of Hell in Islam

    Assalam Waleikum, From the list of subjects that I need to understand, there is this important one: the belief in the existence of a hell. This is something quite difficult to accept due to my education as JW once we're thought that: it doesn't exist such thing as an hell fire for eternal...
  9. ChebbaTan

    assalam waleikum from portugal

    Assalam Waleikum, I’m a young woman from Portugal who seriously began researching on Islam about 3 months ago in order to satisfy an old curiosity due to friendship with 2 Muslim classmates some years ago and a new interest raised by my personal experience with good examples of Muslims abroad...
  10. ChebbaTan

    Assalam Waleikum from Portugal

    Assalam Waleikum once again, I'm a 21 years-old Portuguese girl and I am very glad for having discovered this community. I've always had a big curiosity about Islam and and always admired the values of muslims, but unfortunately I had few information and I didn't met pious muslims when I was...