Search results

  1. maisha_d

    Rights of a Child

    :salam2: (1) Children have the right to be fed, clothed and protected till they grow up to adulhood (2) Right to islamic education. (3) Right to love and affection: (4) Right to be well provided (materially) other than the what is written above ^^ do children in islam have any...
  2. maisha_d

    so whats for iftar?

    :salam2: iftar is about ...45 minutes away and today i had a real hard time thinking of something to make for iftar..anyhow so what did you have for iftar? hehe inshAllah this thread will give me ideas for tommorow's iftar!! :wasalam: ps. today we're going to have naan bread +beef...
  3. maisha_d

    question of a to answer?

    :bismillah: :salam2: A non-Muslim friend of mine asked me “If God exists then why is there evil on this earth?” And “Do Muslims believe in free-will?” Before giving her an answer I would like some feedback from my brothers and sisters. :wasalam:
  4. maisha_d

    Outstanding free hadith program

    someone sent me this email, inshallah you can really benfit from it :D ------------------------------------------------------------------- :salam2: everyone.. Alhamdulillah... this is an OUTSTANDING FREE HADITH PROGRAM... You have the capacity to view ALLLLLL of these hadith books* in...
  5. maisha_d

    CBC interview. unveiling the muslim women-worth watching

    :salam2: -1950353507655248547&q a CBC interview regarding the veil and hijab..interview of three muslim women,non-hijabi,hijabi,and niqabi...worth watching. :wasalam:
  6. maisha_d

    nasheed available in mp3 format?

    :salam2: does anyone know where i can find this nasheed in a mp3 format? :wasalam:
  7. maisha_d


    :salam2: was searching the web and came across this forum..seemed really nice with a lot of nice people so i decided to join.. :wasalam: