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  1. H

    Taqiyyah (lying to protect yourself)- Allowed at any time?

    assalamu alaykom i ask god to guide u to the right way and to fix u against the difficulties u face , and i ask god to guide ur family to islam. i just want to tell u that god is with u , and remember the stories of (el sahaba) like(musaab ebn al-omair) where his mother pained him alot and...
  2. H

    Boy, 5, Converts 1000 to Islam

    assalamu alaykom allah akbar , i ask god to use us and not to change us
  3. H

    wonderful hadith

    السلام عليكم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: (إن الله لا ينظر إلى أجسامكم و لا إلى صوركم و لكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم و أعمالكم (our prophet muhameh sala allah alayh wa salam said: that the god dont look to ur bodies and to ur shapes but he look to ur hearts and to ur dones) so brothers...
  4. H

    my name is.......

    jazakum allahu khairan i wish we all meet in the paradise insha'allah
  5. H

    my name is.......

    assalamu alaykom, how do u do brothers & sisters iam very glad to know this site(alhamdu lelah) itis really wondeful jazakom allah khairan, my name is amr iam 18years old from cairo iam a pharmacist student at my third year, allhamdulelah all my family and me are muslims i wish that u all...