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  1. W

    Video British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

    Allahu Akbar n Alhamdulillah :) Thank u 4 sharing this wonderfull video with us. its like a kind of motivation seenig how many ppl converted . returned to islam :)
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    Assalamu3alaykum Sister from germany :)

    Assalamu3alaykum all, inchaALLAH u all are doing fine :) Thank u very much for ur kind(ly) words i really really appreciate it. May ALLAH always keeps his savety hands over u all....may HE fill our hearts with Deen (Believe). Amin.... im sooooooo excited!
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    Assalamu3alaykum Sister from germany :)

    Assalamu3alaykum bro-sis :) i would like to introduce myself even when i registed myself for a year. Well i live in germany since 1991 was born in morocco (which is my homecontrey). So i was grown up as a "muslima" Alhamdulillah, but i have sooooooo many things about islam to learn....and...