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  1. E

    Salam Friends!

    :tti_sister:Assalam Sister, Alhamdullilah...I'm so proud of you! Insya 'Allah...ALLAH will guide you & You'll have the strenght to overcome all difficulties & eventually all around you will learnt to respect your decision....You'll be in my prayers...Insya 'Allah:hearts:
  2. E

    Salam Friends!

    Welcome'll definitely benefit from this site....very informative ...May Allah's Blessing be with you!. .....::SMILY206:
  3. E


    I get this error message when trying to access some of the replies from other members. Can U help? 'esah, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to...
  4. E


    :hearts: Thanks for the opportunity to discover happenings abt Islam around the world. Btw I am a new member to this site...a must visit page to explore & understand Islam & Muslims... Was introduce to this site last Ramadan...really enjoyed the LIVE Terawih Video from MAKKAH..excellent ...