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  1. H

    Muslims in Sri Lanka celebrate EID ALHA Festival (with Photos)

    Maashaallah nice to hear eid celebration in Kahatowita, Sri Lanka. My sincely wishes for them Eid Mubaarak
  2. H

    My uncle passed away. . .

    Allahummaahipirullahu Varhamhu.. Allah bless him
  3. H


    Jazakumullah, very nice website, thanks for share with us.
  4. H

    Why Babri Masjid was broken by Hindus

    Jazakumullahu Hiran, Yes I too agreed with your opinion. and Thanks for sharing this post with us. As a Muslim, we never give up this masjid to other commiunity because this is Allah SW place. Maasalam.
  5. H

    "The Goodly Life" (video)

    ya, very beautiful vedios.. thanks for share with us...
  6. H

    Why Babri Masjid was broken by Hindus

    Salam dear, Thanks for sharing this aricle with us. This is a masjid (Allah's Home). Allah know what need to do for them.... thanks.
  7. H


    :salam2: وظيفة مفيدة جدا ، وصلى الله على عملكم:tti_sister:
  8. H


    مستخدم جديد :salam2: انا حسينة من سري لنكا. يسرني ان ارتبط في هذه اسرة الاسلام.انتظر من هذه أسرة الاسلام نفعا عظيما للعلم ان شاء الله بعون الله تعالى.اسأل الله لنا ولكم بالعافية في الدنيا واللآخرة.ادعوا دائما لكم:tti_sister:. عيد مبارك وعيد سعيد تقبل الله منا ومنكم .لا اعرف اللغة العربية...
  9. H

    FAKE MIRACLE :: Flying Dome of Mosque in Nepal

    Salam thanks very good explanation, but Allah know the best.